brief introduction of the network management


On behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi), Zentrum für Produkt-, Verfahrens- und Prozessinnovation GmbH (ZPVP) took over the management of the INSTANT network in April 2020. ZPVP GmbH supports the network partners in the acquisition and implementation of research and development projects, starting with the search for partners and the application for funding, the subsequent project management and support in marketing the results.


The ZPVP Zentrum für Produkt-, Verfahrens- und Prozessinnovation GmbH was founded in November 1996 by the city of Magdeburg and the Otto-von-Guericke-University of Magdeburg with the purpose of establishing and operating a research and transfer center on the university campus. Since 2001 ZPVP GmbH has been operating the Experimental Factory Magdeburg (ExFa) as a research and transfer center for application-oriented research and development in the field of product, process and procedure innovation.

In terms of a modern factory, ExFa offers a modern environment for research, experimentation, development and cooperation with laboratory, experimental and office space, co-working spaces and conference rooms. In addition to service and infrastructure, the ZPVP offers a comprehensive range of services to promote research and development. ZPVP GmbH has been the initiator and coordinator of project partnerships and innovative networks since 2004. The two shareholders, the city of Magdeburg and the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, are the guarantors for sustainable innovation services without self-interest.